Women's Ministry

Christian Fellowship & Support

Women's Ministry

The primary purpose of the New Life - Napa Women's Ministry is for Christian fellowship,  working as a team to support the church.   The desire is to  grow in the Holy Spirit and serve family, church and community.  The Women’s Ministry encourages leadership principles that can be applied as homemakers and or career development.

Activities include:

  • Provide opportunity for fellowship specific to women’s interest and collective agreement
  • Provide opportunity to Study God's Word.
  • Provide Encouragement - Create an atmosphere of encouragement and emotional bonds of trust.
  • Lead women to spiritual maturity through prayer and mentoring
  • Strengthen the mission of the church by nurturing and encouraging women to become leaders of the church.
  • Work together on outreach projects
  • Support various ministries through money making projects such as bake sales and dinners.
three ladies having fun in Napa California
Shiela Christian

Hi, I'm Sheila!

Hi, I lead the Women's Ministry here. Thanks for stopping by.

We would love to meet you. Here you can find encouragement and principles to live a fulfilling life. If there is anything you need, please let us know!

what should you expect here?

We believe the church is not about the physical characteristics of a building, but about people, community and connection with Christ. It is our prayer that you will find friendly diversity of believers (and lots of laughs) at New Life Church Napa.